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Gambia Student Hardship Grants

By supporting these students, you’re not only helping them but also planting the seeds of lasting societal change.

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Empowering Future Leaders - Gambia University Students Hardship Grant

Transform Lives This Ramadan
Through the Gift of Knowledge

In Islam, the pursuit of knowledge is a noble path, one that opens doors to enlightenment, dignity, self-reliance, and social upliftment.

The Gambia University Student Hardship Grant seeks to empower financially struggling students with a background in Islamic education who are now pursuing university degrees to better serve their communities.

Your donation, delivered as financial aid, will enable dedicated students from Islamic institutions in The Gambia to pursue further qualifications, becoming tomorrow's leaders in fields such as medicine, engineering, and law.

Amanah Global Relief - Ramadan 2025 Campaign

A Sustainable Investment in Knowledge

This grant is more than immediate financial relief; it's an investment in sustainable, long-term impact. As these students advance in fields like medicine, engineering, and law, they become catalysts for change, contributing to a self-sufficient and prosperous society. Your support equips them with the education they need to secure stable, well-paid jobs, uplifting their families and transforming their communities for generations. 

Sadaqatul Jaariyah: Rewards that Endure 

By contributing to this grant, you are partaking in Sadaqatul Jaariyah, an ongoing charity that brings continuous rewards. Every step these students take in their careers, every positive change they bring to society, is a source of ongoing blessings for you, inshaa’Allah. 

Carefully Selected Recipients:

We provide hardship grants to students who are:

  • Graduates of respected Islamic institutions who are now committed to secure professional careers.
  • Currently enrolled in undergraduate, postgraduate, or PhD programmes in various fields.
  • Zakat-eligible: selected based on hardship criteria, meeting Zakat eligibility requirements.
  • Achieving academic axcellence: high achievers who bring promise for the future.
  • Endorsed by both a reputable scholar and university lecturer through character and academic references. 
Whoever takes a path upon which to obtain knowledge, Allah makes the path to Paradise easy for him.


Donations that are less than or exceed £500 (excess over £500) are pooled with other contributions. These funds may either fully sponsor a student or supplement additional financial needs for a student requiring more than £500.

Copyright © 2025 Amanah Global Relief | Registered charity number: 1207054

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