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Who we are

Amanah Global Relief (AGR) is a charity deeply rooted in Islamic principles, committed to overcoming poverty and ensuring all people live in dignity and upon divine values. We operate under a 100% Donations Policy and are fully compliant with Shariah principles.

Our work is guided by the noble Islamic values of faith, selflessness, unity, trustworthiness, accountability, and excellence. We believe in the power of unity and the strength of faith to transform lives and communities.

Our Mission

We facilitate development and relief to empower vulnerable people affected by poverty, conflict or disaster to create lasting change in their lives and communities.

Our Vision

We envision a world where poverty has been overcome and all people live in dignity upon divine values.

AGR Ethiopia

Our Strategy

At Amanah Global Relief, we are dedicated to breaking the chains of poverty by empowering individuals through sustainable livelihood and development initiatives.

Our strategy is centred around fostering entrepreneurship, particularly among those with low or no income.

We extend our commitment beyond immediate aid, implementing long-term, sustainable solutions that enable the most vulnerable in our society to reclaim control over their lives. This includes a diverse range of beneficiaries such as the disabled, the marginalised, widows, orphans, and others who are often overlooked.

In our pursuit of creating an inclusive society, we place a strong emphasis on fulfilling the economic, educational, and spiritual needs of these individuals. Our goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, has the opportunity to thrive and live upon divine values.

Our Commitment to Excellence

As the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said,

“Verily, Allah has prescribed excellence in everything.”


At AGR, we strive to achieve excellence in all our work, aiming to earn the pleasure of Allah.

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Our Enablers

Our work is enabled by a commitment to continuous improvement and innovation. We strive to develop new approaches that meet the changing needs of the beneficiaries we support. This includes embracing digital tools to optimise our operations and enhance our impact.

We are also committed to strengthening our data recording systems and analysis. This allows us to better understand the needs and experiences of the beneficiaries we support, and tailor our services to meet these needs effectively.

In addition, we invest in learning opportunities for our colleagues, providing everyone with the chance to grow and develop. This not only equips our team with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in today’s world, but also ensures we are always at the forefront of delivering high-quality services to those we serve.

We draw on lessons learnt from past experiences about how best to reach and support the vulnerable people who rely on us. We share best practice across our organisation and externally with our partners.

Together, we aspire to create a world where dignity, opportunity and hope are accessible to all.

Copyright © 2024 Amanah Global Relief | Registered charity number: 1207054

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